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Traditions That Bring
Everyone Together

Real Bites wanted to celebrate upwas season in a way that speaks to everyone, and not just the commonly associated target market of religious, elder people. Appealing to everyone, across religions, age groups, and races; conveying the message that with food so good, everyone’s going to be fasting. Here’s how we approached it:
  • Communication that appealed to a diverse audience.
  • Embracing the young and elderly, religious and the cosmopolitan, through a design that’s clean yet powerful.
  • Delivering an inclusive message that would create a buzz.
Hoardings all across the city with designs that were clean, infused with colours that would give a break from the mundane life with communication that connects with all – Ab Sab Rakhenge Upwas. With the aim to combine tradition with modern sensibilities, our team successfully delivered a campaign that highlights the mouthwatering farali delicacies of the brand.

Positioning fasting as an opportunity for everyone to relish delicious flavours

By universalising fasting food we succeeded in giving a flip to brand Real’s fortunes. Real Bites’ food products now stood for bringing everyone closer. This campaign went a long way in transforming the perception of fasting from a restricted practice to a delicious experience for everyone.



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