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5 Things to Consider When Designing a Website

In layman’s terms, a website is the face of a company: the first thing that your potential customer sees. And it should be appealing. That is why website design is most crucial for a brand. It is the process of planning, conceptualising, and designing elements such as layout, colour scheme, typography, graphics, and interactive features to create an exquisite and user-friendly website. Let’s look at 5 things a brand should keep in mind while designing a website.

1. Colour and Layout

Colour scheme and the layout of the website are the first things viewers notice when they visit one. It creates style and appeal, and it has to be carefully chosen to match brand identity and target audience. Next, the layout of the website should be such that it has a good balance of text and images so that it looks presentable – the amount of white space and ease of navigation play a very huge role in the viewers’ experience. After a colour scheme and layout is decided, consistency is paramount. All subpages should reflect the same design.

2. Branding

A company’s website is its biggest brand ambassador. The website must, under all circumstances, communicate your message. It should perfectly display the brand’s core communication and logo so that it is clearly visible to viewers. Every element on the website should, in the end, relate with your brand. This not only includes the website, but should be applied in all marketing collaterals.

3. Website Content

Content is the driving force of a website. To design a website, it is essential to write original and exceptional content relevant to the brand’s nature of offerings. Users come across various websites when they enter a query in a search engine and the relevant keywords will likely take them to your website. Both the quality of content and keywords affects the brands ranking in search engines. More than that, the content uploaded on the website should represent the brand’s voice to the audience.

4. Mobile-friendly Design

Generally, people use their phones to do quick searches, and for this very reason, websites should have mobile-friendly design. Someone somewhere is always on their phone. The design of the website should be such that it viewable even for a mobile screen. The landing page in particular along with images (if any) and other illustrations should be designed in a way that the significant elements are not cut out of the mobile screen.

5. Navigation

Navigation refers to the ease with which users move through different sections and pages of a website. It serves as a roadmap and assists them to explore and access the required data from the website. Good navigation provides the users a better experience. A good user experience will bring them back to your website from time to time. To provide a site map is an effective way to improve a user’s ability to navigate the website.


To put it all together, a brand’s website is the first and foremost representation of the company and brand to the viewers. So, a brand must ensure to design a website that has an effective colour scheme and layout, presents original and exclusive content, does impactful branding, has a mobile-friendly interface/ design and provides helpful navigation to the viewers.

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