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Tips on Understanding your Audience

Targeting the right audience is essential for a product to thrive in the market. It is not an easy task to find the right audience and grab their attention. Some products are created to cater to a specific group, it could be gender specific, age specific and region specific.There are various measures through which customers are categorised. Target audience refers to the distinct group of consumers interested in purchasing your product or services, and brands intend on reaching such consumers with its offering and message.Target audiences are differentiated on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, marital status, education, psychographic factors, behavioural factors, generational factors, socio economic factors, and cultural factors. Hence, it is important for brands to identify the target audience to market their products. Let’s look at why identifying your target audience is so very important:

Importance of Target Audience

Finding a target audience is the primary step of branding strategy when it comes to marketing. Determining this improves your marketing ability as you now have a clear idea on who to serve and what to serve. Another reason for identifying the target market is the ease with which you can prioritise resources and channel your efforts accordingly. Once you have identified your target audience, your sole focus should be to drive their attention, since they are the ones most likely to buy your products or services.

Types of Target Audience

The volume of targeted audience may be small in comparison to the market, but the categorization of the same has much more to it. Target audience is segregated on the basis of demographic factors like age, gender, marital status, income class and geographic location. Another measure of dividing the audience is through psychographic factors such as preferences and cultural opinions. Earlier, brands used to target dominant generations like Boomers (60+ years) and GenX (40-60 years) for marketing their products and services, however, the radar has shifted considerably now. These days, businesses introduce products which entice GenZ (15-25 years) and GenAlpha (0-15 years.) These generations prefer brands which promote and present more sustainable practices and authenticity. A point to note is that the constant target audience is Millennials, the 25-40 years age group that is both young and old at the same time, giving brands the leverage to create and market products accordingly.

Target Audience v/s Target Market

Target market and target audience are one and the same thing’ is a very common misconception among the viewers/ marketers. Target market is a broader term which focuses on all groups of customers having similar traits and preferences who are interested in your products and services. However, the target audience goes down a narrow path and focuses on individuals or groups of potential customers that are most likely to buy your products/ services and they are the recipients of intended marketing communication. Target audience falls under a part of a bigger umbrella called the target market. For example, for a brand that produces energy drinks, the target market is working professionals and youngsters, but the target audience is individuals with high stress levels.


Taking all points into account, for a brand to have a successful branding strategy, it should first identify the target audience and then plan advertising collateral. Target audiences for brands’ individual products may differ as per the nature of the product, but their target market can be the same. A brand should hire an ad agency which will do the market research and analysis for them and identify the right target market and audience.

How HCF will help find you a target audience

Hetarsh Creative Force is an advertising and marketing agency based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, with over 18 years of experience. We aim to find right audience and deliver the exact message of your brand:

  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Target Audience Identification
  • Integrated Marketing Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Brand Strategy

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