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What Makes For err, Good Marketing

Come to think of it, 8 times out of 10, you remember what you ‘see’ when you think of a brand. And when you can remember it 10 out of 10 times, that’s good marketing. So what really makes marketing ‘good’? Now, we are not here to give you a lesson on good and bad (couldn’t even if we wanted to), but we are surely going to tell you what we know and do best, good marketing.

Target Audience 101

It all revolves around the target audience. Take it as gospel truth if you must. Obviously, we don’t mean that other potential buyers should be ignored if they don’t fall into your target pool, but narrowing down on your marketing efforts to a select group is the way to go forward. At the end, you reap what you sow.

Do They Know That You’re Here For Them?

We all have that one weird thought or thing (or person, if you’re unlucky) popping into our lives every now and then, always on the back of our minds. Well, that’s brand awareness for you – marketing’s weird lil’ friend. Your advertising collaterals, be it online or offline, has to have the purpose of awareness, even if it’s in the backseat. That’s where we come in – making sure that all your marketing – hoardings, outdoor print ads, website, social media – all of it, have the driving force of brand awareness.

Communication Is The Best Policy

Connecting with your consumers is very important. Whether you do it online or offline, communicate. While we’re at it, let’s make sure you communicate the right thing. You can’t just create social media profiles and use them as and when you like, or host a website just for the sake of it. Social media has become one of the top ways to constantly stay in touch with people alike. The goal should be sliding into your users’ feed.

Last Thoughts

If we take marketing has a triangle, make sure it’s an equilateral, it’d look something like this:
Once you have the Who and the What figured out, it’s all about how well you portray your brand to others. Through communication that has a recall value and addresses the pain points of your consumers, you can market your brand effectively.

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